How to communicate your message in less than 2 slides!

You are an expert in your field. You have the technical skills and experience. You meet your manager in the hallway. Your manager asks you where you are at with your recent assignment. He/ she asks you to do 1 to 2 page, 10-mins presentation in the afternoon?  This may or may not be a specific project, but might […]

OKR – Create your North Star Vision Statement

Just because your company is small, does not mean you do not need a vision. Small companies could mean a small business or even a department within a large company. Accountability is the key. Afterall, in case you make it big or your department becomes the super star within the company, you need to be able to […]

Create a OKR-related Strategy

In a previous article we discussed creating a Vision and Mission statement for your OKR strategy. In this article we will explore creating a OKR strategy. From the Mission statement, we defined what the company did, who is your customer, how it is done and your philosophy of doing it. With the mission statement defined, a company can go […]

OKR/ Project Management – Use the Force… ‘The Baseline’

We all hear about the importance of establishing projects baselines. You know it is important, but often don’t know how to do it or what to do with it later. ‘Baseline’ is one of the abstract concepts, yet when applied well is useful and will help distinguish yourself from the average Project Managers that don’t use it. […]

OKR – Create bite-size objectives

When Youtube came out they offered short videos in 5- 7 minutes compared to normally on TV’s half an hour or one hour program. When Tik Tok came out they offered even shorter bite size videos, like a minute.  In this generation we are consuming information in smaller and smaller bite sizes and can no longer […]

Start off your OKRs or Project with Organization Change Management (OCM) in mind!

Start off your project with Organization Change Management in mind to avoid company wide chaos. When executing a project or OKR, the project or OKR leads are often heads down focused in delivering the final product. While the focus is important, communicating the upcoming changes earily in the game is important to avoid internal/ external chaos. […]