How to communicate your message in less than 2 slides!
You are an expert in your field. You have the technical skills and experience. You meet your manager in the hallway. Your manager asks you where you are at with your recent assignment. He/ she asks you to do 1 to 2 page, 10-mins presentation in the afternoon? This may or may not be a specific project, but might […]
OKR – Create a Mission statement because your company exists!
If you are a small company or a startup, it does not mean you should negate a company mission statement. By creating a mission statement you give you company focus, reason for existence, or you will fall into the trap of operating for the sake of operating and burn out yourself and your staff quickly. Let’s […]
OKR – Creating a Vision Statement that hums!
Creating a vision statement for your company need not be a big long statement. It should be one simple sentence that captures the essence of where you want to be. Your employees and customers will read it and know immediate what your company stands for. If Mission Statement carries a 1 – 2 year duration, a Vision generally […]