Best In Class OKR Tool

Check out our extensive list of features and benefits.

Achieve Aspirational Goals

Tool Encourage employees to understand organization value and aim higher and achieve growth.

Powerful decision making capability

Leadership to make better decision on strategic planning, either stay the course or pivot to different direction.

OKR based task management

Action based task board for users based on OKR priorities

Adapt to Market needs

Agile goals setting to change course and adapt to market needs.

less is more

Increase productivity by focusing on only a few goals per period.

Accountability and transparency

Everyone is accountable for the company’s success.   OKR visibility throughout the organization.

360 degree collaboration

Vertical and horizontal collaboration.

Employee connection

Align and connect employees to company goals.

Employee Empowerment & Employee Appreciation

Give employees decision-making authority, build their confidence, and help them grow.  Task Achievement point system to recognize employees. Encourage Team Support;  promote Team collaboration to promote OKR culture.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Heat Maps.
Top OKR awareness.

Regular Cadence

Checking regularly to ensure goals are on track.

Mission Statement Alignment

Align company goals with your mission.