In this article, we shall explore how to write a measurable child Key Result that aligns with a parent OKR objective.    

Unlike an OKR objective which is aspirational and refers to a business value to be achieved, an OKR Key result is quantitive and metric-driven; it describes the starting point and end point of the result. 

Format of an OKR Key Result is: 

<Verb +what you are going to track> 

 You would use verbs like: 

Increase from X to Y 

Decrease from x to Y 



Increase sales from 20% to 40% 

Decrease call abort ratio from 15% to 10% 


What if you don’t have a starting point?  This means a baseline has not been established.  Then the new state you want to achieve will be your baseline.  

You can then use 

Achieve X 

Key results must be SMART 

S – Specific 

M -Measurable 

A – Achievable 

R – Realistic 

T – Time-bound 

Key results could be metric-based or milestone-based. 


To complete installing of 20 servers by Nov 15, 2022 


Metric milestone describes a deliverable, but does not describe an improved state.  Be careful not to have too many milestone-key results or it will turn into a task list.   As a golden rule, the milestone key result must be quickly followed by a metric key result to be effective.   

 By OKR best practice, Key result should last 1 OKR cycle, while an Objective could last multiple OKR cycles up to 1 year.   


 The purpose of this is to break up key results so that they can be achieved within 1 OKR cycle, usually a quarter.  You achieve the win and move on to the next cycle.   


In Conclusion 

In the OKR best practice: 

  1. A Key result is a child of an Objective 
  1. While the objective is aspirational driven, the Key Result is metric drive 
  1. Use increase, decrease from X to YY,  
  1. Use Achieve X if no baseline 
  1. Key results could be metric drive or data-driven 
  1. Key results is time-bound to 1 ORK cycle.  If you cannot complete a key result in 1 OKR cycle, mark the completed % and create a separate Key Result for upcoming quarters, if required.  

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