Start off your project with Organization Change Management in mind to avoid company wide chaos.

When executing a project or OKR, the project or OKR leads are often heads down focused in delivering the final product. While the focus is important, communicating the upcoming changes earily in the game is important to avoid internal/ external chaos.

What is organization Change Management?

Organization change management (OCM) is the communication of changes in products or services delivered to internal or external customers as result of the completion a project.

For example

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 When do you initiate OCM?

Answer is: At the beginning of the project.

Work with your stakeholders or PR department to create a communication plan. Set time, content and audience as to when the communication will be sent out.

 For example

For External Customers –

Give them a heads up

For Internal Customers –

 Remember nobody wants to be notified at the last minute.

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 In Conclusion

  1. Work with your project stakeholders, PR or organization change management department from the start of the project
  2. Create a communication plan
  3. Identify when, what message and what audience to communicate to

 Only by doing timeline communication, will you be able to avoid chaos

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